Pronti per l'anno nuovo? Noi... carichissimi!⚡⚡

Ready for the new year? We... very loaded!⚡⚡

Happy New Year Beautiful Joys!

Our 2023 ended big: many of you will already know that we participated in the Artigiano in Fiera, as we have done every year since 2019, and it was as exciting for us as the first time.

Lo stand Namastemood presso l'Artigiano in Fiera, con le ampolle di vetro riciclato soffiato in esposizione.

Being able to meet in person loyal customers or passers-by who have fallen in love with our brand at first sight is indescribable, especially for us who work mainly online.
We hugged you, we answered your questions, relating to our proposals for clothing, silver, costume jewelery... We told you a little more about us and our beloved travels. An intense week, always standing, almost never leaving the stand so as not to miss anything. But how much joy left in our hearts!

La nostra Social Media Manager in posa con una cliente che indossa i nostri leggings Siddhi di fronte allo stand Namastemood presso l'Artigiano in Fiera.

The energy and positivity that the Fair has transmitted to us and the serenity of these holidays spent with our loved ones, we brought with us in 2024.
What awaits us, in fact, is a year full of news and commitments, but we are more than ever ready to face every challenge that separates us from our goals.

L'adoratissima (da tutti noi) mamma della nostra Social Media Manager pronta ad aiutarci anche nelle lunghe giornate in Fiera.

For those who already follow us on social networks, they know that the winter sales have just started: in fact you will find the entire catalog at a discount up to 70%!!! The perfect opportunity to fill your closet with the colors and warmth that Namastemood represents!

In addition to clothes, however, jewels are also at a discount: among them, also the Chakra stones, to which we will soon dedicate a more in-depth article since they are another passion and reason for study and training on crystal therapy.

And how did you spend these parties?

Team Namastemood