L-energia-delle-pietre-la-Cristalloterapia Namastemood

The energy of stones: Crystallotherapy

Cristallotherapy is a technique studied and used since ancient times. Traces of it are found among the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Chinese and the Maya. Many peoples have a rich oral tradition of ancient therapeutic customs related to crystals and stones.
The Chakras we saw in thePrevious articlePerform, in our body, three functions:
  • They attract vital energy from the surrounding environment
  • They filter energy
  • They eliminate exhausted energies
The use of the right crystals, energy sources, allow us to exchange energies with the body to promote our balance.
In this energy exchange, the crystal gives and at the same time absorbs. For this reason, from time to time, it is necessary to purify and recharge the crystal, so that it does not lose its effectiveness.
You can choose the purification technique that you feel most akin to your practices and rituals.
  • Purification with water is the simplest: just put the crystal under running water, as long as it is cold. It used to be done with water from a river or stream, but just turn on the tap to get the same effect! NB: It is always recommended to check the specifications of the crystal in order to avoid damaging it. For example for Hematite, and, in general, for crystals that contain iron or copper, this practice is not recommended, because it could damage the stone.
  • Purification with salt is a viable alternative to water. Choose a glass or wood vessel, create a layer of salt, place the stone, best if wrapped in a cotton cloth to avoid corrosive reactions, and cover the whole thing with more salt. You can leave your stone like that all night and the next day throw the salt.
  • The purification with the smoke of incense or, better still, of the White Sage, originates from the traditions of some American indigenous peoples.
After purification, the stone loses all the negative energies that it had absorbed and empties. Now it's time to recharge it!
NB: also for refills it is always good to check the characteristics of your stone to protect its properties and its powers.
  • Charge with solar or lunar energy, leaving the crystal in the light all day or all night. It is best to avoid leaving the crystals lighter under the sun, such as the Quartz, because they tend to change color and their properties are affected.
  • Charge with snow, placing the stone on a snowy surface to emphasize solar or lunar charging.
  • Recharge with the earth, placing the crystal in a hole in the ground at the foot of a tree (or, alternatively, in the pot of an indoor plant if you live in the city!). Place the stone in close proximity to the roots for two or three days.
  • Recharge with crystals, placing the stone inside a geode or druse in Amethyst or Rock Crystal throughout the night. This is the simplest and among the most effective technique.
  • Top up with Tibetan Bell, playing it near the crystals positioned next to a Palo Santo and incense.
  • Recharge with flowers and plants, taking advantage of flowering periods. Place your crystals near the flowers and let the energy of rebirth recharge them!
You can go back to wearing the stone or using it in your meditations.
From the next article, we will see together which stone is the right one for you!
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